Texas Songwriters Journal

My Photo
Location: Lake Jackson, Texas, United States

Cherie and Glenn are the proud owners of YellowBird Studio and Grackle Music Studio. Cherie's Wild Bird Paintings are being collected far and wide. Glenn's aims his music at stage and screen. Cherie is a life-long resident of Brazoria County - other than a stint in New York City (art and film school) and Alaska (film business). Glenn was raised in Bluegrove, Texas - the son of a blacksmith.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

2006 Music Production Resolution

The music grackle has made his 2006 New Year’s Resolution ... a commitment to going completely "computer digital" with his music production. This means everything will be housed inside a single Mac except for amplifier, speakers and keyboard.

It’s already happening in Los Angeles in a big way ... for both contemporary and conventional sounds in Film / TV production. In Vermont, Robert Fritz, author of The Path of Least Resistance recently released a wonderfully clear and powerful cd (The Little Pinecone) using synthesized orchestra instruments (from East-West) and the software Digital Performer.

Also, the grackle intends to try composing some music soon using only the computer keyboard while on a jetliner flying very fast and very high. Very portable ... It’s a New Day for songwriters and composers!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Planetarium Show for February February 2006, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th

It's Subaru and StoneHenge wrapped into a package produced and directed by Judi James at Brazosport, Texas Planetarium! February's tuesday night shows will be special.
Subaru is the new incredible Japanese telescope in Hawaii that is making waves. StoneHenge is the incredibly old observatory in merry olde England.
Both of these instruments are huge, ripe with spirit and star power.
I won't reveal anymore of the story. It's just amazing. Judi and Diana Klebenow's combined artistic / scientific brainpower overflowed in the planning meeting last night. As they synthesized plans, sparkles literally flew across the high dome. (Was it asteroids from the projectors or something even more galactic from the creative thought vibrations?) It's invigorating to witness the human mind working on grand, inspiring, educational, entertaining productions. Awesome! This seemingly well-anchored planetarium is on the move at the Center for the Arts and Sciences.

For the show, Diana will play ancient, celtic and beautiful flute pieces for StoneHenge and I will create synchronize contemporary and technological pieces for Subaru.

SHOW DATES: February 2006, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th.

FROM WIKIPEDIA: Subaru Telescope (In Japanese: すばる望遠鏡) is the 8.3 meter flagship telescope of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. It is named for the open star cluster known in English as the Pleiades. It is located on top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

FROM WIKIPEDIA: • Near the town of Avebury in Wiltshire, England. Stonehenge is perhaps the finest of the British megalithic monuments. It stands in the center of Salisbury Plain, surrounded by a complex of cemeteries and ritual sites. Stonehenge is believed to date to about 2780 BC, near the end of the Neolithic period. The function of the monument is thought to have been spiritual, but the arrangement of the megaliths also suggest possible astronomical uses, such as a calendar.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Debbie Rice Hits the Wednesday Review

It's been reported from good sources that Debbie Rice made a giant hit today at our Brazosport Wednesday Review Club.

Debbie made a songwriter's presentation on how she writes songs and music. And then she moved right into her fascinating keyboard performance. We're expecting many great things from Debbie Rice.

Glenn Nelson McBride
- Texas Songwriters

The Pantomime Violin at Christmas

Diana Klebenow and Bill Rollwage have become our two shining stars for community service. Diana and Bill have laid down the miles between nursing homes every December for several years. This is music performance - extra-ordinaire!!

For December, 2005, Diana handled 11 performances around the Brazosport, Texas area - with her magic flute. This year, her heart melted when one gentleman in the audience began backing her with a pantomine violin.

Encore! Encore!

- Glenn Nelson McBride
Texas Songwriters

Monday, January 16, 2006

Sara Pavlisak, Writing Project

Sara Pavlisak has reportly finished her manuscript of her first book - music album project for children.

- Glenn Nelson McBride

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pandora.com Article

In February, I'm releasing articles that review Pandora.com for those of us in the music industry. If you have any ideas of how to use this music service in your music endeavors, please let me know.

Glenn Nelson McBride
email at: mcb (at) sbcglobal.net